1. Data Collection: We collect only essential personal data for service delivery, ensuring your privacy and security.
  2. Secure Transactions: Your payment details are encrypted and stored securely, following industry standards to prevent unauthorized access.
  3. Service Customization: We use your information to tailor beauty and physiotherapy services to your preferences and needs.
  4. Consent-Based Communication: Receive updates and promotions only with your consent, and easily opt out anytime.
  5. Third-Party Sharing: We share limited data with service providers to fulfill appointments, maintaining confidentiality agreements.
  6. Data Retention: Your data is retained as long as needed for services, and you can request its deletion when desired.
  7. Analytics Usage: Non-identifiable data may be used for improving our services and user experience.
  8. Location Data: Location is used solely for service coordination and can be disabled on your device anytime.
  9. Legal Compliance: We cooperate with legal authorities and uphold data protection laws to ensure your privacy rights.
  10. Children's Privacy: Services are not intended for minors under 16, and we don't knowingly collect their data.